"The Highs and Lows of Engine Lubrication: Part I - Low Temperature, Low Shear Pumpability Studies Using the Scanning Brookfield Technique"
Author: Theodore Selby
Presented at
Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. - 1986
Abstract: The subject of engine lubrication has occupied the minds and efforts of a significant number of scientists and engineers ever since the automobile became an important source of locomotion for the world. Despite the attention given to this particular type of lubricant -- often compared to the lifeblood of a human being -- the effects of engine oil and the dependence of these effects on its composition of base stocks and additives, still are being unravelled. It is the author's intent to focus on certain critical aspects of todays engine lubricants and to further encourage technical dialogue on a subject of great importance to this mobile society. As, indeed, our society is highly dependent on the automobile and the engine oil is the lifeblood of the source of its power for locomotion, then the subject is important beyond question and worthy of continuing close attention. This particular paper has as its subject the low-temperature, low-shear response of an engine oil. The rheological response of an engine oil to this condition has a direct bearing on the ability of the engine oil to be pumped. As the automobile and truck have become more and more critical to place our present technical position in the framework of near-history regarding pumpability and its measurement. But before we can put the subject into perspective, we must first view and appreciate the interrelationship of pumpability and startability.