"Investigation on the Role of Gasketing Materials In Foaming of Lubricating Oils"
Presented at SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Toronto, Canada - 1999
Written by Alan L. Freiberg, Dow Corning Corporation, T.W. Selby, Savant, Inc.
-- SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Toronto, Canada, October 25028, 1999; SAE Paper 1999-01-3619.
Abstract: Foaming of lubricating oil during operation of any automotive mechanism is undesirable. To control this problem, anti-foaming additives are often part of the formulated oil. However, during use, the oil contacts the gasketing material used to seal the mechanism and may extract pro-foamants in sufficient quantity too overwhelm the anti-foamant additive. Recognition of this problem has led to several different in-house tests of oil/gasket compatibility seemingly giving divergent information and technical direction concerning correction of foam-inducing factors of both the oil and gasket. It seemed appropriate to investigate and quantify the relative importance of several of the presumed influences on oil/gasket interaction. To do this, a relatively simple test simulating oil/gasket contact in the operating mechanism has been developed around an air foam-bath and applied in a series of Taguchi matrix studies to determine the influential factors.